There is so much liver related to our problem. and the "candida diet" is so destructive to absorbing anything. I tried it for over a year and got so worried that I'd have candida forever. It's such a shame that candida is so not recognized and people get on this "cure" that actually makes the problem worse.
Listen to what he says about how oil causes malabsorption of everything. I saw this myself. I got sick of eating plain broccoli steamed and put some olive oil on it. Instead of the clean trip to the bathroom like I've been getting since being on high greens and vegetables....It came out messy and disgusting and green. So i got no protein from that broccoli and wasted my money on it and got a rash again that day. We will gain the right kind of weight with proper absorption too. Lean muscle. Candida causes alcohol so we are getting flabby beer guts and low T makes for bad muscle growth. Become an expert on the liver and Prebiotics and probiotics. You will see that meat and fat are the worst things for us.
I also read that the liver damage causes the person to crave nuts- the worst food for them.
My success came from a diet of a ton of greens and small amounts of fat free fish..Now I am on a ton of greens and starches, vegan. I found that proteins were slowing my cleanse. But switching to fat free fish was like night and day with getting candida out of my vital organs and getting suffering down.