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Re: Candida Skin rash
Anthony87 Views: 2,571
Published: 13 y
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Re: Candida Skin rash

Please watch these youtube videos. I loved avocadoes and nuts but candida loves them. I got very sick from fatty meats. I'm very glad you posted this because FAT is the reason why you aren't getting anywhere. My diet plan is, have a ton of greens for a few days.. and when the hunger gets really bad after a couple days you begin to add the carbs instead of any fat or animal protein. Please just watch these vegans and consider their advice. The argument against fat is common sense to me. If you have a wet rotting carpet in a flooded house, what do you think happens if you coat the surface in olive oil or spread guacamole over it? Fat is giving your fungus a great place to live and fat is against the diet for encouraging the growth of beneficial bacteria. Good luck. It takes a lot of motivation to be on the diet you are on. Eliminating fat will allow you to actually start benefitting from your dedication.

I have been through months of months of suffering with eating meat and fat. There is no place for it when recovering from a fungus. I at least got a stabilizing and almost back to normal feeling by switching to a ton of veg and some fat free fish. Now Im on all vegan starches and veg and I can eat potatoes and rice, things where in the past I could rash up, burp and be a mess. What's missing from my diet is any animal protein, oil, etc. I followed the vegans fruitarian diet but find rice and potatoes to be much more satifsying than all the sugary fruit. It gives me enough calories for the day and the fungus is gone.

The only promoters of coconut oil are sick people on this forum.



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