High Biounavailable Copper, but Zinc causes spider veins
Hey all,
I'm trying to follow Andy Cutler's protocol for reducing copper burden, although I'm having problems...Big problems!
I have a "hidden" copper toxicity, which means I'm full of copper, but it's sequestered in binding sites at the moment.
I have very severe copper deficiency within the cells (low intracellular copper), which reconciles with my low serum copper and low serum ceruloplasmin levels.
None of my copper-based enzymes are working that well anymore, so I presume that I have a severe, life-threatening case of copper deficiency syndrome (my collagen is breaking down rapidly in skins, veins etc.).
I don't think that my cells produce ATP properly anymore, which manifests as a need to constantly eat carbohydrates every 30-60 minutes, otherwise my collagen gets peed down the toilet as bubbles.
If I breath anything like perfume, cigarette smoke, wood burning smoke, gasoline fumes, car fumes, adhesives etc., I experience severe injury to my vascular system, which at its worst causes brain injuries, whereby I've stopped breathing sometimes or lost vision, or had facial paralysis. I think that this is due to very low SOD activity from copper deficiency.
My body is not only unable to rebuild, but it's also unable to defend itself from oxidative stress!
The big problem I have is that in trying to lower my toxic copper levels to make copper more bioavailable (I presume) with zinc supplementation, I noticed that zinc makes my copper even less bioavailable, which ultimately results in further vascular damage like spider veins etc.
I realise that zinc antagonises copper from binding sites (maybe through metallothionein upregulation), but it seems to be antagonising my bioavailable copper too, which is a bitch and manifests as further collagen loss straightaway with even just 3-5mg doses.
I've been promoting bile flow etc., but without the zinc, I don't seem to get the copper dumping that accompanied zinc.
I'm also trying to lower my cortisol to improve my copper binding, but without the zinc, it seems like slow going.
I really wonder if I'm not only severely copper toxic, but also too copper deficient for zinc to be safely therapeutic in my individual case (I also know another CZ member with the same experience).
Does anyone have a clue how I can rid myself of the toxic copper to increase my bioavailable copper and mitigate my severe condition from progressing further.
Ultimately, I cannot really leave the house now and I have to be really careful about who/what comes into the house, in case they're/it's a vector for volatile molecules.
I'm in a pretty dire situation, so if anyone can help me with a little bit of hacking around, it would be cool, thanks.
Sees you,