Re: advice is just an opinion
my brother stupidly married a catholic lunatic nutcase, she is the head of medicare insurance sales in our state. if you marry a nutcase for her job and paycheck money, you get her hell as well. my sister in law believes in every toxic product and service medicare underwrites, to date she has had both her parents murdered with chemotheraphy injections, her sister injected and murdered with chemo theraphy injections and she even had the vet try to murder the family dog with chemo injections. I will not touch this munchinhousen syndrome toxic waste broad with a 100 foot pole. Other family members say she used her big boobs, sex and bad job paycheck to lure, entrap, "love romance marriage con",to get my stupid brother to impregnate and then marry her. My neices and nephews have been given every shot in the book by this wackjob. I am sure she sends them for kiddie cancer screening if it exists. There is nothing I can do to help my neices and nephews except send them alternative information and be there for them when they need information other then what thier munchinhousen syndrome death mom peddles. My sister in law lives a fake life and always wants tears from others about the cancer deaths she's suffered, no one looks deeply to see how much ins. money she insured each cancer death for. MH, these allied med supporting broads are milking the system for all its worth, they get $250,000 to $500,000 dollars life insurance payouts for every spouse, kid and parent they kill by injection. And they call such murder and profit, "an unfortunate cancer passing" and all the snakes cry fake crocodile tears on thier way to the bank. I am still angry at my brother for knocking up and marrying such a viper and I keep a far and legal distance from her.
If you marry, a legal situation, where an allied med lover has con troll you should be happy to divorce and move on, or you, the spouse could be on the receiving end of her injections next and they may be chemo theraphy that could end your life, not just harm it like a vaccine. People need to realize mason marriage laws gives spouses standing to adminster freaky meds, just look back at terri shiavo. My advice to you, RUN, go live at the YMCA, get divorced, get a new life and help your kid from a distance, these allied med poison loving types will put pharmacuticals and rat poison in your stew to get thier way. If you being turned into police and thrown out of your own home hasn't given you a clue that you are being back stabbed and mistreated, what will it take, will it help when she's having you injected for you to get a clue that she is NOT interested in you, your ideas about health and life or your well being. And MH is right, these types damage the kids and the pervs in the court like it because the more damaged kids the more biz for the perv allied med bribed courts. Cut your losses and run! And next time marry a girl with similar values, a girl who works at a health food store or something like that, one who has biophillic values. My brother jilted a sweetheart girl who had "just a job as a clerk in a health food store" to marry a fake paycheck earning snake broad, and he has been in hell ever since for falling for the fake broad with the bad paycheck he thought would benefit him, it did NOT, it destroyed him, his life and his kids, he had to escape, to get away from her for good. This tile layers daughter wants everything she sees on TV, summer houses in the hamptons next to the kennedys, does she know anyone in the hamptons, heck no, will she legally kill people with chemo injections to get a paycheckand insurance payouts to feed her lust for fake money and fake status and summer homes in marthas vineyard, you bet. Amoral people have no morals, it does not dawn on them killing is wrong. My brother was foolish for ever bedding this woman and he finally realized it and got out. In chicago it is commonplace for the little allied med loving catholic trixies at age 21 to giggle and tell you to your face they and thier boyfriends are looking for dumb old 60 year old insurable man to love romance marriage con, marry, insure, legally med murder, or worse, and collect big insurance $$$$ payouts on, the greedy amoral lil trixie broads brag they can lure, with sex, old men, sometimes younger ones too, into marriage, then they brag how they insure the old farts right after marriage and thier 22 year old cathylick lil boyfriends suffocate the old men on the wedding night and the trixe broads giggle and tell the police thier old men husbands died while having sex with them on thier honeymoon, no one investigates why a 60 year old man dies having sex in bed with his 21 year old bride, or the standard med murder and chemo injections for cancer murders is used, they,injections, are the legal med murder used by trixies in love romance marriage cons for marriage insurance payouts. Trixies marrying and med murdering old men (and less often women) for ins. payouts is a well known BAD fact of corrupt mason life in chicago, allied med loving snake moms teach thier kids it's okay to use marriage licenses to med murder, legally med kill insured spouses, relatives and kids even, any INSURABLE INTEREST, a blood relative or legally mason married spouse, to get $$$$$$ cash insurance payouts this way, soap operas teach the trixies the same, and all the million or so cancer murders per year and the million or so heart deaths per year etc never figure out whose collecting life ins. payout $$$$ on thier early med murder deaths. Dupes like to believe the delusion that everybody loves them and no one would wish themharmor lie to or kill them for $200,000 or $500,000 life insurance payouts, talk about vanity being blind! NOT a good scene for the dupes who marry mason allied med loving snakes. It seems this woman liked you when you had a good IT $$$$ job and paycheck and now that you are out of work and injured from a car accident she threw you out in the cold, on xmas of all days. Why would you even want to be married to someone like that? If you get out now, heal yourself, you can come back stronger and fight for your child later on. Infants are always given to the mom and the child will need you stronger in a few more years.
Go get quickie divorce papers and have them ready by the 10th, tell the judge you want a continuance to find a good atty, you are entitled to 3 continuances by law. Get a divorce and move on. Unless you want this broad having legal control over your medical care also. Most guys don't realize how much life insurance allied med loving spouses carry on them, and there is no way you can find out. It blows my mind that the insurance sector underwrites so much medical murder, most insurance companies are run by crooked dope loving mds, go figure. Marriage has been turned into a joke in this country. One JD told me a marriage license is just a way to drag a guy into court easier, like a rope. There is no such thing as "vows" to honor for fake mason people, marriage is a concept the snakes perverted and took from the protestants, blacks law, in England. Snakes do not care about vows, snakes marry to have parties, photo ops and get paychecks, insurable interests via med murder, equities and money, that's why they marry and remarry so much, mason snakes made a mockery of marriage vows and the church a long time ago, marriage is a failed institution in my book. If you need a corrupt mason judge in a black dress to sanctify your union, I have nothing to say. I would just as soon see people sprinkle fairy dust on each others heads to sanctify marriage. Blacks law invented marriage to legalize children to collect child support and protect estates $$$$, if you can workout your $$$$$ issues on your own with your partner, you do not need the mason corrupted marriage license.
And in contested divorce only the attys win. I disagree with MH on one point, I would never set foot in a court without an atty. You never know what can happen in those rooms, you do not know what was discussed in the judges chambers or in the back hallways. So you want an atty, who knows the law, present with you in court always, acting on your behalf and in your best interests. You could always do what 42 or so million usa deadbeat dads do, leave the state and, or country and file divorce papers from mexico. Your alternative of being abused by this vaccine loving broad in a corrupt court system may be worse then an exit after the 10th where you agree to the order and seek a continuance if needed, to get your own atty and legal counsel, tell the judge you need a continuance so you can have time to get the $$$$ money$$$$ together to pay$$$ for an atty, they like hearing that.
Anyway, advice is just an opinion, you will do what you deem best.
Good luck.