So sorry to hear about your plight. You are in my prayers. It never cease's to amaze me how closed minded the masses seem to be, especially the ones we deem educated. My wife and I had similar problems around twelve years ago after our first child was given the theoretical vitamin shot after birth. I verbally ripped the md a new one because he did it without asking my permission. These md's think they are Gods. Vaccination is not immunization, it is poisoning on a grand scale.
I spent a long time bringing my wife around to this issue and education was the only way for her. Some people you will not be able to bring around. Most of the brainwashed people I have met in my life fall into that category. You can lead a horse(person)to water(the truth), but you can't make them drink(understand). I hope things work out for you. Everything happens for a reason, we just don't always know what that reason is,