Re: Family breaking apart due to vaccination issue!
RARELY does one split off that already has other ideas with another and many times been with that other a long period before they boot the last one out. In this case the woman being educated and having money and the male not being socially to her false standard of fake living. The give away is her extreme will to poison her child, she knows this would irritate her mate enough that she could use it as an excuse to further her plot along and odds are she already has another man on the hook, most who use and abuse rarely are ever alone, they must be using another 24/7.
For the children's sake the loving mate always gives in and pleads, while the hateful one mates with others and treats the children as pons to be partered with for their financial gain.
In all cases the children loose out, the parents reap what they have sewn in every case, the Bible makes it very clear from ancient times, you abuse a child and you might as well have a stone around your neck and sitting at the bottom of the ocean and you can't die, so the judgement for a period of time may be very harsh and just always! All those that have used contraceptives may be in for a BIG surprise and those who aborted their children will not be surprised, they willingly murdered. The ones using cpntraceptives murdered more in many cases and no matter how much you plead, iggnorance of the "LAWS" of Nature is no excuse, all are judged equally, no one has a defense because no one can lie after death. All is reveiled as though the curtain is dropped and everything is known and judgement perfectly handed down. All have sinned to some degree and these sins are the evidence that locks you into a human body, until we learn, we reap what we sewn and public education makes sure we all do a good job of messing up. The use of drugs into the temple/body enables our senses to go crazy and not care about the damages we do to others and our self.