Colloidal silver, oil of oregano, salt water, etc., as follows EDIT
Use oil of oregano topically and internally, colloidal silver topically, for swishing and internally and salt water for alternate swishes:
Take several drops of oil of oregano under the tongue and then swish down with lots of colloidal silver every hour. Rub some of the colloidal silver (which DOES matter for infected teeth and gums, btw) into the gum area around the tooth (fairly gently). After a few minutes, rub oil of oregano onto the gum area. Then, in between the colloidal oral colloidal silver swishings also do a warm salt water (preferably sea salt) fairly vigorous swish and follow that up with more oil of oregano rubbed into the gums.
If you have any olive leaf extract, you might wish to take some of that too - as it is a great infection fighter/pathogen destroyer. Perhaps bromelain too (at least 1000 mg per day), which greatly speeds healing - but remember that bromelain is a powerful binder and it might potentiate any other items you are taking. For example, it will give 2 1/2 as much absorption of amoxycillin as happens with amoxycillin alone.
Screw the lidocaine - use oil of cloves if you need pain relief, or fresh slices of ginger. Perhaps some liquid echinacea extract, as it soothes too (and is another good pathogen destroyer). Personally, I'd say screw the mainstream med too. Nothing amoxycillin can do that silver and oregano can't. As for prednisone? That stuff can work wonders sometimes for swelling and inflammation, but it is bad, bad sheet, man.