Re: How did your AF start?
I certainly see a trend here..
Well for me, I dealt with the physical and emotional issues that come with being extremely overweight in childhood. And add to that a mother who had extremely explosive rage as well, overworked with three jobs, and far too prone to drinking, but more than anything extremely pessimistic and judgmental, bleak, nihilistic. Only to be outdone by her brothers/sisters/father who clearly explain why she herself had become that way. I am told my grandfather was hyper violent and abusive/alcohol. Mental problems run deep in the family gene pool.
I began to feel tired in the sixth grade or so. I fell deeply into living in an "online world" with "online multiple personas" during junior high and high school. Would be berated and persecuted online, at school in real life, then come home and get it from family. It mixed very poorly with my issues of identity/personality (which I still have).
Had some extremely traumatic issues the end of first semester of college. My health seemed to plummet thereafter 4 years ago. Had a major fall out with mother, and moved into Aunts. This was at the time when my cousin had committed suicide, and it severely affected my mother. We were almost nearly homeless and living with a relative in the living room at the time. I still ended up moving back into home and back out 2 more times after that.
Losing all the weight three years ago was also probably a huge contributor of the adrenal fatigue.
I am of course aware of the organic causes underneath. Obviously much of my current search is to figure out what causes adrenal fatigue and morbid obesity in order to undo all the damage. But I also have to emotionally heal (somehow while still dealing with the scientific aspect of physically healing).