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Re: Mood, intelligence, epiphanies and annoyances...(RRRating for entire thread, mod edit)
TiffanyJoan Views: 2,593
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Re: Mood, intelligence, epiphanies and annoyances...(RRRating for entire thread, mod edit)

uchihaMadara - i know what ur saying..and i have seen it. i have seen that on facebook! u think ppl grow up until u see that all they talk about is all their "haters." HAHAH!

anyway, i posted that because for one, i felt really bad with my thoughts. i have always been really accepting and loving and forever apologizing for something i "might" have said or done for ppl to dislike me. im not a pushover but im so humble, it pisses people off. so the fact that i was feeling this way was bothering me.

two, i want to help these ppl but it's like trying to make them convert to a religion. uncomfy to talk about and unlikely that they will understand, let alone listen. so i was frustrated.. how do u deal with that? knowing what would help and not being able to help...seeing how ppl walk around half dead and accepting that it's ok to them. thats what i was going thru more so than feeling superior. i have to admit tho, i was getting extremely annoyed with all the slow-moving too. ;)


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