Re: Arrrrrrrr......detox is making me an Arrrrsehole
I have my top three therapy combinations, that is
Iodine & co, homeopathy and acupuncture/chinese medicine. If not
Iodine or homeopathics work, acupuncture will. And vice versa.
Liver stagnation is anger, yes. (typically worsened by windy weather) These are energies that may be helped by acupuncture.
You also may check out Nux Vomica (great if digestion is troublesome), Chelidonium, maybe Bryonia (homeopathy) personalities. All irritable, liver types. I was a typical Nux V type, not anymore :)
You are doing heavy duty detox, chelating etc?. One option is to simply take a break, doing only the minimum of the
Iodine protocol for a while, 2-3 months or so.
- this is what I did, it helped me a lot, simplifying the protocol.