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Re: MMS so far - night sweats

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Original Hulda Clark
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Re: MMS so far - night sweats

Q.Wow I'm going to have to check out the CDS as I only bought a tiny bit of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement to try. Does CDS have a shelf life, or can you store it like the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement crystals?

A. CDS is nothing more than chlorine dioxide infused in distilled water. Which is in effect Miracle-Mineral-Supplement without the acid and bi-products. It has a smell(in open air) but no taste.

On the issue of shelf life, I've stored CDS for a few months without any measurable losses whatsoever. I suspect that so long as the solution contained(bottle) is filled to the brim and sealed, that it will remain stable. - likewise... I've used open bottles of CDS over the course of several weeks without any measurable loss. And so I honestly don't know how long the stuff lasts, though there seems to be plenty of headroom for most any treatment imo.

Q. If it's so much better, then I agree, why is anyone still using the MMS?

A. There are no doubts on the advantages of CDS over MMS. That is in taste, side effects and effectiveness in terms of assimilation. CDS is better than MMS in every way conceivable.

Q. Does this actually work better without the acid?

A. No, and that's the beauty of CDS. It is a single solution that is ready to use. No mixing, no waiting, no gagging. Just measure your dose, drop the solution in a cup of water and apple cider juice(not vinegar) and enjoy your orderless, tasteless MMS without any side effects whatsoever.

Having said all that, I'd like to take this opportunity to give you some tips on getting and using CDS.

First off, CDS is made from MMS. Which is nothing more than mixing the old MMS solution and capturing the gas in a solution(usually distilled water): :

And so it's much easier for people to make their own CDS than to buy it from exuberantly priced online stores. Which is terrible considering it costs only pennies to make the stuff(literally).

Another tip would be to make your CDS from the dry ingredients rather than the mixed ones(MMS + activator). - I buy my Sodium Chlorite powder and acid in bulk from at very good prices.

Hope this helps


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