Re: BD: how to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ excellent!
This is really good information. And very do-able, I think. I've heard other ways to do it; such as to first take a long hot bath, and then, immerse only the lower parts in cold water, or lift handfuls of cold water onto them, after draining the bath. I've only ever tried a few minutes of it, just to see if I could stand it more than feeling any need for it--but am feeling inspired to experiment more seriously. Lately, my vision has not been as good as I'd like, and I would love to get rid of my reading glasses, as well as just generally move the lymph.
I can see doing it like this! after a bath; jumping onto the commode. well, i should say: easing onto it. No sense being rash. The bathroom being warm.... That sounds ideal.
Now the trick is, to do this in winter, when one is inclined to seek warmth. Easier would be to accustom oneself to it when the weather is warmer. Let's see....
time to look for some ice cub trays.