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Re: Bad analogy. If a high enough intensity, or rather several big paths of current with a high enough intensity...
parazapper Views: 19,312
Published: 13 y
This is a reply to # 1,902,163

Re: Bad analogy. If a high enough intensity, or rather several big paths of current with a high enough intensity...

>- You will survive, but may suffer for many years things worse than worms.

This is not a bad analogy, it is factually supported. Ask anyone who has any form of neuropathy. Severe nerve damage can be extremely painful and rarely goes away. I urge you and everyone to be sensible.

>- i wouldn't be afraid by the FDA

Sadly, the FDA uses the Patriot Act to walk into a house with a blank search warrant and not only go through business assets but personal things, bedroom drawers, kids rooms, anywhere they want to go and take anything that they want ( they do provide a list after the fact ). They can instantaneously shut down your business and go on a witch hunt trying to find anyone to complain for any reason, sequester your entire family, not even allowing bathroom priviliges when expediently needed. It took over 7 months for us to get everything back and it was 9 months before the business was re-started.

For this reason, we sell zappers for killing germs in non-drinkable water such as cooling towers and backyard ponds.

Perhaps, Michael Forest would like to weigh in with his experience.

>- this tech needs to be improved for humans health. I am working on it, slowly but surely.

As I said before, this is what I do and have been doing for 12 years.

My goal here is to help you and others to get better without additional injury.



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