Re: My night of hell
Thanks. is it (Spelling?) Phosphyserine.?
From what I read about it, it's main job is to calm, slowdown the transmission in the brain, between the Pituitary and Hypothalmus, to not be sending destress messages to the adrenals for demand of cortisol.
Since, Idon't have the cortisol there, or what very little I build up, once that signal is sent, it used what little cortisol I do have ( is low most the time now) but, the Medulla (inner center of the adrenal gland, where the adrenaline is stored, Isure have plently of that, as it responds very quickly and causes a great long lasting amount fo adrenaline. ( this is what I need to surpress, as it is in overdrive, and I feel once this gets corrected, my adrenals will have a better chance of healing.
So, than in part, the Seripos will just help to control, and calm this feedback loop within the HPA-axis, right?
( sort of like Ashwagandah)? or better.
Ijust don't want it to lower my coritsol, but, more or less, slow down the signal response in the brain to the adrenals.
Are you on it?
Thanks, Paulette