So very difficult. SOmetimes I pray my Jesus would just take me home to be with Him. As I just cant' stand being in this torment. Trying to lay there in bed, shaking, sweating, nausious, horrible anxiety, can't hardly walk, so weak, even to go to the bathroom.
I did not get any sleep last night, Had horrible anxiety all day yesterday and last night. My blood sugars were also low all the time (I check with monitor) Like having one blood
Sugar attach after another.
Although I've been having much more anxiety and weakness lately for what ever reason the severity hit in the last 24 hours, I'm not to sure.
Have been taking "inositol" 500mg. a day the past 2 weeks for anxiety. Has helped, but than I read it increases sensitivity to insulin ( which lowers glucose) I did some research and it is true. So maybe too this has been keeping my
Sugar lower. I also just weaned off Zoloft, and now wonder, maybe this was not the right time in my condition. I'm thinking of starting back up on it. ( I did do a bit better)
ALso, last Friday, I did my pool yoga exercises. The suppliments I took prior gave me a little boost and I know I over did it ( even just stretching, but it was 1.5 hours) After that exercise time tha tnight I could barely walk. And have had severe muscle weakness and anxiety since last Friday. ( this is a scenerio too, been this way the past years, but has gotten worse, intolerance to even this exercise.
I even took some Valerian and passion flower, GABA last night and it did not do a thing, Usually it will calm me down.
I had to eat at 2am last night ( a regular meal) as my blood
Sugar was low.
I also had gotten off track on my eating and sleep schedule.
Going to bed at 1am up at 9:30-1:00 am thus throwing my eating schedule off to. But, when I was healthier all prior to these past 3-4 years, this would not have been an issue.
I am just beside myself and finding it difficult to go on.
I'm in a state to where there are no good dr. for this condition. Closest ones are 100-200 miles away.
Sorry, I had to leave info. It's 70 in thehouse now and I'm very very hot.
Last night my blood sugar was abouta 98 at 2:00am, it should have been much higher, after eating my last little meal before bed. This reading would not have sustained me throught 8 more hours of not eating. THis morning is the first in a long time, my blood sugar was 116. THis is really scary, as it is always very low. So it has to be the adrenaline all night messing everything up.