Yes Jerome, the worlds corporations/Governments are run by sociopaths & psychopaths. It's no wonder that vaccines, mercury/amalgam fillings, G.M.O in both animal feed and human food, BPA in so many plastics that release cancer causing agents and contribute to developmental disorders in teenagers and younger chldren + BPA mimics estrogen and screws up fertlity in both male and female reproduction. We have to ask ourselves ?why? are these chemicals and unatural pathogenic organisms being given to us in our foods, water and put in our mouths. Some people in the human world would say that all these things are coincidental, but many of these issues correlate with a word that dosen't sit pretty with some people, eugenics. Why would doctor's, Governments & corporations continue posioning human beings in this crude manner continuely carrying out this sort of human culling called eugenics, because they want a society totally dependent on them, no matter how many people die from disease, syndromes and disorders. We see the FDA and other federal bodies pushing hard to eliminate natural vitamins and supplements that benefit a wide range of people on Cure Zone and elsewhere. What happens when we are left with synthetic completely useless supplements that have no beneficial outcome for many of our health conditions like candida. We're moving into a new dark age where treatments will become more expensive and natural supplements won't exist, except pharmalogical & synthetic supplements that have none of the natural benefits that nature intended. Sad times indeed. C