A pleasure to find such an interesting thread. Fluoride Action Network has a great website.
And re the Iodine thing, my Naturopath recently turned me onto the work of Dr. David Brownstein...in part reviving past widespread uses of KI, or Potassium Iodide, and in part devising new protocols, Iodine combined with Iodide and a few other nutrients such as Vitamin C can be used to detox the body of accumulated Fluoride...
The deal is that as members of the same chemical family, Halides, fluoride, bromine, Iodine compete for the same sites in the body. So, it's good to purify the fluoride out of drinking/cooking water but Iodine also provides a way to detox.
Brownstein's book is "Iodine: Why You Need It. Why You Can't Live Without It. Points out how many are iodine deficient to boot...so detoxing using Iodine hits two birdies with one stone.