Before the flush with saline and gse I was trying to avoid sugary foods since they tend to make me smell worse. I was trying to avoid eating alot of carbs, bread and sugar.
Since the flush I been eating alot of different foods some sugary and high carbs but I still don't have the odor. I still have the white coated tongue though. The white coating tends to go down when I use the tongue scraper and mouth wash. I got the doctor to give me chlorhexidine rinse but it did not work to eliminate the odor.
I dont use any special body wash or deodarants. Before I used to use phisohex antibacterial wash, dr mist, nullo tablets, zeabsorb powder. Nothing ever truly worked.
Yes I would smell the same thing a moldy, yeasty smell that's why for a very long time I kept thinking it was my feet. The odor was very prevelant in my room so I thought the infection started in here maybe I inhaled mildew. This room of mines is always hot since the furnace is close to it. I'm just glad it's over now. I will update if my situation changes.