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Re: drinking slightly older urine
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Re: drinking slightly older urine

"....It seems contradictory that in the article, it also states that the urea contained in urine is a strong antibacterial."

Everything that I've read is that after 15 minutes urine begins to grow bacteria.  Refrigeration doesn't help.  (Your refrigerator is filled with bacteria.)

How to Use Urine Therapy
There is a procedure involved in how to go about urine therapy. Here is how:
  • Morning urine is the best form of urine to have.
  • When you start urinating, let the first few seconds of urine pass. This is impure urine that won't help.
  • When this urine passes and you reach the middle stream, pause for sometime and take a cup.
  • Now urinate into the cup, but stop once the end stream of the urine starts.
  • This has no ingredients which are useful for your body.
  • The urine that has been collected is the best urine to be consumed.
  • The urine that is freshly collected is best consumed within 15 minutes. After 15 minutes it begins to grow bacteria and can thus be harmful. Before that the urine is sterile and clean.
  • Urine should be consumed by sipping it like tea. Do NOT drink it in one go.
  • The food that you have has a direct effect on your urine odor as well as the urine color. The more pungent, oily and spicy food that you consume, your urine will be that much more smellier and stronger. But if your diet consists mainly of vegetables and fruits, then your urine will be clearer (less yellow) and taste like water.



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