"Though fresh urine is sterile, left standing it will provide an excellent medium for bacterial growth. Therefor it is always advisable to use fresh. Don't try to keep it in the 'fridge overnight or for when guests drop in. Ancient texts that describe the practice tell us to drink the middle of the flow. Presumably this would eliminate any trace bacteria from the urethra in the first part or leftover from bladder walls in the last spurts. After all, even with a fine red wine, you still don't drink the dregs."
I have a problem drinking my first pee in the a.m. I'm a night owl and I usually pee into a large cup and put it aside while I go back to bed for a while. I don't usually get around to drinking it for a few hours or so. Is this really detrimetnal? It seems contradictory that in the article, it also states that the urea contained in urine is a strong antibacterial.