Hey thanks for your input! The relationship did feel like I was giving more effort. I was being the nicest guy I could ever be and she was also a mean person. From what I know, she never cheated on me. But there was multiple times where I suspected it and caught her talking to a few guys in a sexua| way. She is a very power hungry type of person. My problem is I cant get over it! No matter what I do, I cant get over her. No matter how bad the relationship was, I seem to cant get over her. And this is causing me a lot of stress. She also went and got another boyfriend about a week later and this didnt help my feelings. Whats weird is that I had none of those symptoms when I first met her. NONE. and then they started to happen within 6 months of dating her. She never smoked or drank which was good. But the type of person she was is unbearable. "Female dog" if you know what I mean? Haha.