I am seconding Newports post
I would also recommend you check out Andy Cutler's work since there are also signs of developmental delay.
Hair Elements Test ( do not get the Hair Toxic elements test)
you can get her a hair test on your own and learn how to read it:
A friends 12 year old son was having pretty severe emotional psychological issues, therapy was somewhat holding him together, but not progressing him. She was asking me about cranial work which I do, and I suggested getting tested for mercury. His ND did a urine challenge test, which Cutler is against unless it is done properly, but regardless his results were high mercury. He had only one
vaccination before he started school but he was already showing signs of dysfunction. Within two months of weekly oral chelation for 3 days each time he was a different kid. Making friends, first sleepover, doing better in school, and more.
since he had no dental
Amalgams and no obvious exposure sources and was already not right before the
vaccination his exposure source was Mom. And I would describe her as a bit on the manic side. She has been chelating some and is making some improvement herself....
Don't get me wrong here, I love Iodine, and there is clear evidence that it helps removes toxins from the body, but IMHO oral chelation can be much more efficient for mercury removal.