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Re: Dosage for three years old with ADHD?
Ginagirl Views: 7,422
Published: 14 y
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Re: Dosage for three years old with ADHD?

Hi Leila; glad to see you at the forum.

I think the magnesium dosage is a bit much; I believe 2-400 mg daily is enough for a little girl. I am impressed, though, that she dont get loose stools of it; I did at 400 mg for a long time, I can now tolerate 6-800 mg daily.

zinc is also important for ADHD, and to much magnesium may interfere in the uptake of zinc as they have the same uptake mechanism. Just dont give zinc and magnesium together; nausea/vomiting may follow. Magnesium morning and evening, zinc in the middle of the day with a big meal is what I usually recommend.

When it comes to the vit B I have no experience with high B6, as I prefer to give all the B`s low and steady.
Maybe the others here have a different view on it?

The anger I have seen in most kids when starting Iodine ; and especially in the ADHD kids; there is much frustration buried in them (of not coping, not fitting in, never doing the right stuff etc) but this is a transient phase.
You may have to play with the dosage, sometimes it is better to double it, but most parents back up for a few days. There are no fixed dosage in this protocol; it is a find out by doing kind of thing. When it comes to children I keep it low and steady until the parents want action and results, then we increase until results.

The cod liver oil I leave to the others; as I live in Europe and have different brands than over there.
In general; the more saturated fat you give her, the less DHA/EPA are needed.
I think you are very brave that do this for your daughter without much support; most would have gone to the medicals, Ritalin etc.



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