Famous!? who? little ole me?? Naw. Infamous maybe ;+D I put my pants on one leg at a time like anyone else and have my own strugles and shortcomings just like anyone else. My only claim is "common sense" and "straight talkin'"
While being cleansed is something I aspire to again I am nowhere nears where I am aiming. My current battle is getting back into my weight training once again. The gyms I belong to are all pretty far from my new home so I keep making excuses not to get some routine going at home. got some hard work to do to get back in shape and I keep procrastinatin'
I'll czech out the Dr Derry link. BTW I have been absolutely gluten free prolly going on 4 months now and that includes the 108 day juice feast. I am even making one of my staple treats Tabouleh with soaked chopped almonds instead of bulgur wheat. I have not had any bread or flower based products and no grains all this time. All I am eating is fresh organic vegs and fruit smoothies with the aformentined food supplements.
I concur and agree with that many read these forums and I generally aim to address discussion with that awareness.