The 1st link is nothing like what I am experiencing. My tiny bumps don't exhibit any coloration and are kinda not visible but I can feel them and when I scrape my nail on them the result is a hard little seed sorta like a hair follicle.
That second link is very "enlightening" Great info. Merci beaujolais ;+D
I have had a back brush for many years. Actually I buy the ones with the hard natural bristles that are meant for dry brushing where the brush part slides on and off the stick. Gotta replace them once or twice a year when the bristles get too soft. For most goils it's too rough for them so I also keep a loofa pad in the shower. I don't mess around with no sissy washcloths ;+D. Between the bristles and ole Doc Bronner peppermint soap I come out a'tinglin' all over ;+D
I expect little back and forth on the detox but I really don't expect it to be too radical. Keep in mind the veeery long juice feast I just finished and in addition I am eating a very pristine organic raw diet where most folks are doing this while eating regular and most likely not as spartan diet and not having gone through more than 3 months of detoxing and taking in massive amounts of nutrition from juicing.
Ok, alwright you might still convince me to start "poppin' pills" ;+D At this point I'm just not feelin' it ;+D. The last 3-4 years have been rough and my health has suffered from stress and backsliding on nutrition. I'm on a beeline express for a total reboot/respawn and still weighing in my options. I'll prolly start a series of monthly liver flushes soon a la Hulda Clark protocol. Any experience with that during and IO supping phase? Any links or words of wisdom on IO and how it may help detox or interact with the liver?
Oh I just thought of some of a something since you're into making lotions and salves. Any experience with adding MSM to any of your salves ointments etc? I'm my research on juice feasting a common thing I keep finding was folks supplementing with MSM cause supposedly it makes the cells more permeable and thus able to absorb nutrition mo bettah. While researching it out I ran into a number or articles about how good it was to apply it topically for all kindsa skin issues but the part that interested in my was it's use for scar reduction. I read all kindsa testimonials including some guy that was severely burned yada yada. I have some pretty bad scaring on my leg from a whitewater canoeing accident some years ago so besides taking a tsp of MSM daily being a DIY kinda guy I also found a formula for MSM and aloe gel concoction and I've been rubbing some on my scars daily for a coupla months now. I'm not expecting miracles cause the scars are 10 years old +/- and there is a good bit of hyperpigmentation but I hafta say though the progress is slight there is still progress and the pigmentation appears to be getting lighter I am considering adding Io to the mix. Wadaya tink? how much IO?