probiotics/fantastic liver flush
i was taking Udo's (type? can't remember - higher strength......).
i was taking 3 in the morning. for about 2 months.
maybe at kefir enema is the
ya, i've heard Dread Zeppelin, pretty funny.
ever heard of Ed Zeppeling? probably not, because he doesn't exist.
but wouldn't that be the coolest stage name? hahahah
i just finished the best or 2nd best
Liver Flush i've had to date - no
Epsom Salts (thank sweet Gsus), fresh squeezed organic pink grapefruit juice with the oil (best taste out of all combos tried), and best of all, lots of marble-sized dark green stones, plus plenty more of the smaller god, i FEEL high.
I'm tellin' y'all, you gotta get Julia Chang's 4-pack from Sensible Health (Canadian, but does most of her biz in the USofA). works works works!!!!! i took all 4 herbal tinctures for about 3 wks, my god.....the easiest, best flush yet.