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Re: acne and marijuana (peeling the health onion)*edited*
  Views: 5,968
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 185,385

Re: acne and marijuana (peeling the health onion)*edited*

I just re-read your message and realized you werent the one who smoked cigarettes, my bad.

As a revised feedback message in response to your post, pot doesnt do much damage to the liver, but accutane does HUGE damage to the liver, and that as well as probably eating too much (if you're very lean and trying to gain weight by eating lots and lifting weights) are likely your main problems.

My advice would be to slowly quit pot when you feel comfortable doing so, and aside from that all my previous advice stands. ~You damaged your liver big time from the accutane,~ avoid alcohol at all costs, and try and eat less, digestion will be very hard on your liver for a while, eating too much will slow down your healing considerably.

(Im also very skinny and also took accutane so I know what you're going through, dont worry about the weight gaining thing, you'll look and feel great when you get healthy)


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