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Re: addition: Mucho info! :) Re: acne and marijuana (peeling the health onion)
cusp Views: 6,127
Published: 19 y
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Re: addition: Mucho info! :) Re: acne and marijuana (peeling the health onion)

Unyquity, no lie about the vivid dreams (when i'm not stoned) - they are ultra intense......night after night. Like I've been saving them up.

And yeah, I get lots of good fats in my diet, I eat coconut oil (best way to cook veggies - tbsp coconut oil, a bit a water, some really good Sea Salt , and cook the veggies until they're bright green - they taste like candy - put them on brown rice/barley, with beans/chick peas - Kichadelicious).
I also drink coconut milk, sometimes alot, in my protein shakes.......though I'm not quite sure about that habit, because it's out of a not all the time.

It's been really cool reading all these responses, I've read these pages for a year now but was reticent to ask for solutions until I'd tried the processes.........

I suppose the truth is, my body is screaming for a break, so I'm really gonna push it for as long as I can, especially after reading some of the Barefoot Herbalist forum (thanks, plzchuckle) (especially M.O.G.'s 108 day cleanse - i WISH i had that lifestyle capability).

I remember reading about Bob Marley about 10 yrs ago, about his battle with cancer, and thinking to myself, "I'm gonna rock it until my early 30's, then pull myself out of the fire."
Of all the power of thinking things to choose, I had to pick that.....
But as a friend recently said, "maybe you're going thru your shit because you have to.....maybe that's what it is for all of us, our own struggle, conscious or un-conscious."
And trust me, it's not just acne.......but the acne's the visible part, and the most grating presently.

I love that, that eternal truth that there will always be struggle, you simply have to choose what it will be - if you don't, it's chosen for you, likely in the arena that will teach you the most, if you're aware enough to learn from it.
It makes working out, or working hard towards a goal so much more palatable, knowing no matter what you do, confront life head on or run from it, there's always a price to pay. Your choice.




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