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Re: Hulda Clark frequency's
werty1 Views: 4,376
Published: 14 y
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Re: Hulda Clark frequency's

Thank you for your responce. I have one dmm8061 multi meter and about 8 kt7202 ( which I still want to hack to stay in the zapper ) and then I have a Tektronix-2528 scope. All this equipment gives me the same readings.

In your opinion is 0.25% close enough ? Would you suggest I get other testing equipment ? What I do note is when a person is inserted with handholds in the circuit the zapper changes from square wave to sine wave on the scope. So does that mean that the multimeter would or should give you an accurate reading ?

One other thing, have you ever tried or know someone that used the speaker (zappicator system) to project these frequency's into the body and more important directly to the tumor or what ever you want to treat. Acording to the manuals the RF frequency's preduced would go straight pass the wheelbearing greace and pcb's ect.

Thanks alot for your responce and your time.
God bless


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