Re: Stressed and wired 24/7
I just wanted to give a few more points to ponder Mohaienne. I must say about Dr.Lam that I think he is awesome. He really knows the adrenals. I just don't think they are hip on treating the body as naturally as possible. I think that is very important for people like us with severly weakened bodies.
Don't worry about getting off the sleeping pills immediately but do try to do so gradually. I can't believe how well I sleep and I took all kinds of sleep aids for 10 yrs.
Something I feel to be very important is to not dwell on things people say about Candida, metals,
parasites and such. Most that go through these things are convinced evryone else has it if you share symptoms. This will make you crazy and more stressed. The only way I am comfortable about telling you how to support the adrenals is that most people should due to the lives we lead anymore. It's important to nourish the body as a whole as it all works together. You may just be having hormonal issues, you didn't mention age or anything to that affect though. The thyroid may not be functioning too well. All these are related and Dr. Lam discusses this.
Another way to determine aldosterone levels as I mentioned is bright lights. Do lights seem really bright? Do flashing lights throw you off? You can look in a mirror with a flashlight and shine it around the corner of your eye. If the pupil gets somewhat small but gets big pretty quick, aldosterone is the culprit. Your pupils just won't function properly. Flashing lights made me feel like I was gonna have a seizure.
So I'm glad you got some
Sea Salt and some stuff for your adrenals. I'll be glad to help any way I can or just be here for you to bounce thoughts back and forth. Take care and find some happiness. You need to have laughter. :)