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Re: Stressed and wired 24/7

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Re: Stressed and wired 24/7

It could be a resetting period, it sounds like it could be.

From dr lams website

Often times during the Recovery Phase, the body may go through a period where it tries to "reset and kick start itself" for reasons that are not well understood. Perhaps its nature's way of trying to help itself when all else fails as last resort. During a crash, the body often goes into an emergency mode. This resetting may be part of the delayed survival mechanism that is activated automatically. The timing of this resetting varies from person to person if it does occur. During the resetting, the body suddenly behaves differently for no apparent reason. For example, certain nutrients that have been helpful before may suddenly be rejected. Nutrients may also have a sudden positive exaggerated response only to be followed by negative response. This is a turbulent time for the body. Most sufferers are discouraged and lost to understand what to do.

It usually occurs sometime late during the initial stabilization period, late in plateau period, or sometime during the preparation period during subsequent mini-recovery cycles.

Few pay attention to, or are on alert for, this event when it happens. Even less are attuned to the significance of this minor but important phenomena that is clinically evident but seldom mentioned in any literature. This event may represent an opportunity to "kick start" the system and bring it to a higher level of function. When properly taken advantage of, this "kick-start" process can propel the adrenals into the honeymoon period. Without taking advantage and using this to "kick-start" the system during the resetting time, one can stay stagnant in the preparation period for an extended period of time due to lack of impetus. This process is made possible by taking advantage of the natural body’s recovery rhythm. The body appears to be telling us to stand aside and leave it alone during this resetting time. Most make the mistake of ignoring the body's signal. Instead of pushing more nutrients at a time when the body does not welcome them. A pause may be necessary. Learning to listen to the body is often the wiser choice. After a pause for the body to reset itself, the same nutrients may be restarted and the body welcomes them with dramatic improvement. An astute clinician attuned to this will likely catch it as he or she is on constant alert waiting for this. Recognizing such a window of opportunity and taking the right action at the right time will greatly facilitate the body's progression to the honeymoon period that otherwise would elude the sufferer. This is a sign of clinical excellence. Those who do not recognize this or miss this window of opportunity may have delayed recovery, or inadvertently make the condition worse by over administering nutrients at a time when the body does not react well. A common mistake is to assume that nutrients are "not working" as fatigue levels seems to be getting worse, and that more is needed since those nutrients have worked previously

I really feel now this is what iw as going through,just dorine did not pick up on it.


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