Re: A few thoughts on water...
["what makes common sense?]
Common sense to me is to control what goes into my body and emulate nature as best as possible.
["There is NO distilled water in nature... water droplets form around dust particles and\or bacteria as clouds form and develop."]
Steam distilled water is the closest thing to rain water, dew, and water content found in fruit, so in essence, similar purification processes do occur in nature. Unfortunately, we do not live in a world/environment where we can healthily drink rain water...
["Distilled water actually absorbs CO2 from the air around it to help re-balance itself out - it actively seeks a state of equilibrium... let it set for a day or more and add a pinch of salt to it if you wish, and its structure is changed - more balanced."
So? That's fine with me. There's nothing wrong with it maturing. Rain water does similar things as it falls. Nothing is static, and nobody claims it as such. The important issues are contamination removal and hydrogen donating potential (something spring water does very poorly).
["Restructuring then... we are not working with *distilled* water anymore are we?]
Why not? You just stated distilled water naturally wants to move to equilibrium (restructure itself). Because of this we cannot call it distilled? Are you saying I have to drink it straight from a condensation coil to say I drink distilled water??