Re: Lots of good stuff enclosed...Re: Itching, bumps...something biting me?
yes, ditto Uny on the admiration for your hard work, Jboy.
I have a lot of respect for your efforts, and send you strength. I've been very close to dying/death-mindedness a few times myself, but am nowhere near that now--so keep the faith. You will emerge form this, if you take Uny's words to heart.
So triple ditto (X 100) this:
jboy, your posts are starting to sound more and more like the early days. Please, please PLEASE consider going back up a milligram or two, and hanging there for a couple-three weeks before cutting any more. And if you won't consider that, PUH-LEEZ start giving yourself 2-3 weeks to stabilize between dose cuts. Once you've done that a couple-three times, you'll recognize the pattern & rhythm, and you'll have so much more control over what you're experiencing (and so much more relief from the constant benzo hell).
for awhile you were sounding much better... I am cetain you have been cutting too fast. And also, the salt. You need it--
in the good seaweed. In the summer. The chia seed might be REAllY good for you.
best, C