Re: Blog Promotion Mainly
I am having a bad day and so I will make this short. First I am not the moderator here. At first I had thought of being the moderator just to ban you but then I changed my mind, lol, kidding !!!!
This is not the place to debate. I saw you made that ridiculous post on the water forum about me and then the mod moved you to the debate forum and of course no body listened to your rants.
If you know anything about me you will know that I have been attacked by some of the best and well basically I ignore them or just give them negative votes.
Now as for proof I can give you one that you might recognize. Do you see ChrisB1 here anymore? The #1 most posted water faster in the world is now home sick and extremely sick. So case and point not everyone becomes superman on your water fasting.
Now other than this final post to you, please do not post anymore debates. I don't care to be involved in ridiculous rants anymore and I could care less about your statistics.