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Re: according to Olree
wombat Views: 2,498
Published: 14 y
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Re: according to Olree

in "minerals for the genetic code"~

..."this is a caffeine toxicity with an Iodine deficiency. It is a problem that causes potassium imbalance. Iodine is a -1. It is there to hold and pressure the +1 of potassium. Potassium falls out of solution into pockets called cysts. The most notorious are "fibrocystic breast disease" or uterine abnormalities. The most common tumor found in women is a caffeine toxicity-iodine deficiency syndrome. When women are Iodine deficient, they crave chocolate"...

BTW, the -1 and +1 are "electron valences".

IMO, it's not so simple as that... but... I've been craving chocolate lately! Time to bump up my iodine!

also look at:

"Potassium Deficiency: Hundreds of women have wondered why they have tumors and cysts in their bodies. The cause, according to Dr. Christopher, is potassium deficiency. When a patient takes plenty of potassium foods (not supplements) you can remove the cause of the cysts and tumors. Other foods, which are lower in potassium, must not be increased when you are trying to increase the potassium in the system. When patients go on the three-day cleanse and mucusless diet and take the female corrective formulas [Female Reproductive], they receive nourishment which is high in potassium. Miraculous things happen to them. For even faster results, you can add to each cup of herb tea six to ten drops of elderberry tincture or six to ten drops of Black-Walnut tincture, both of which are extremely high in potassium. Cysts and tumors are like leeches, but they stay in places where there is a body deficiency. As soon as the body is balanced and well, the cysts and tumors have to go, because the material is too healthy for them to live on."



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