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Only sski????
cougar Views: 2,604
Published: 14 y

Only sski????

Has anyone here only worked with SSKI and gotten really good results?????

When I saw Brownstein in 2007 in Boulder, CO he said when he learned about Iodine he got all excited and started working with only SSKI . After some period of time he stopped using it because he just wasn't getting the results he was hoping for. Then I he met Abraham and started using Lugol's/Iodoral and started getting really good consistent results. He is quite emphatic about this in his video that Dar posted recently.

He didn't say if this was across the board with gender though so I wonder about that.

He also says that in studies they have shown that Iodine binds to Breast, Prostate and stomach tissues and Iodide to skin, Salivary glands and thyroid tissues. He does mention the body should be able to convert either way, but in his experience that doesn't seem to be the case.

I am posting this because I responded to a previous thread and a woman was mentioning only using SSKI . Usually I read about people here using sski with something else, except for a few men it seems. So it just got me wondering........


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