Re: 45 days SSKI...
Some of what I experience matches some of the symptoms of EVERY kind of skin problem!!! This is my frustration.
About the time I think it is internal I will find a couple black specks in my eyebrow, or I will scratch what seems like a grain of sand out of an itchy bump at the back of my neck. It is not ONE thing. There are patches that absolutely look like excema, some that are almost psoriasis, some that are dark, crusty, scabby - that bleed when scratched. Others areas are all of the above and some never stop itching. When this began it was in my ears as well. 5 years is a LONG time for this to be going on....long time to hear creaking, popping in my head, too.
I agree it may be
parasite related. I have not done the drugs for critters yet, still working with herbs, and was hoping some
SSKI and companions would help. Recently had a couple days of very loose stool - seemed a detox phase. I layed off everything for 36 hours and back to normal now.
Also, am I supposed to take
Iodine with the
SSKI ??? I do not seem to be getting an answer to this no matter how many times I ask...?