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Re: 45 days SSKI...
cougar Views: 3,662
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Re: 45 days SSKI...

I just finished my 11th Liver Flush a couple of weekends ago. So I will support the decision to do them.
No HUGE changes yet, but some tips of icebergs perhaps in the works. Skin is less dry, winter in colorado is usually hell on me, the fact that I have mostly been able to wash dishes without gloves is pretty big for me.

and another potential huge one for me is that my yellow ring around my pupil is getting less yellow. I don't know a lot about iridology but I do know that is supposed to correspond to toxicity in the gut. I have been watching them for 20 years with no change. There is an old picture of me when I was really little and I had bright blue eyes. Within several years we said I had hazel eyes. I just figured that was the deal....blonde hair blue eyes turns into brown hair hazel eyes. We'll see what happens there.

Now, can't blame this all on Iodine and liver flushes. I have been chelating for a long time, taking special herbs to help metals out the past month, I killed a pathogen in December that has allowed me to take more magnesium and I have been getting some great viscero-emotional work on my organs, mind and body the past month too. Practicing the Vimala handwriting (change your handwriting change your brain) and more. And yes I have done a bunch of colonics and some coffee enemas since November too.

I keep wondering if the reason the results from chelating were so minimal is because my liver was so blocked. So even though I am not out of the woods in my journey, I am a personal fan of liver flushes. They just make so much sense to me. And my officemate swears by them. He has done over 50 and he hasn't even been that sick. And he has his dad and family and friends into them too. He tells me he has seen some people change really quick with them and others quite slowly. His brother in law dropped 120 points in his cholesterol after just 2 and a friend with bad allergies barely had anything come out until her 15 flush. So moral of the story is if you want to explore liver flushes, think about them for the long haul. Kinda like Iodine......

Are you only taking SSKI ?
If yes why no IodiNe?



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