Re: It IS low stomach acid. Also, some Qs for Motif...
Thanks for understanding.
As far as mono-fruit and such, yeah, in 2009 before I was hypoglycemic I was doing an all fruit diet. Not really a mono-fruit diet, but close. I was experiencing a lot of benefits, but I had to stop because it was accelerating my weight loss. (I dropped down to 109
lbs. that year. I'm 5'10" and used to weigh 150-165+) By the way, the fruit diet didn't cause my weight loss, it just sped it up.
Meat and fat is the only thing that stabilizes my blood sugars somewhat. It's because it's slower to digest and it uses an alternate pathway for glucose. Gluconeogenesis, I believe.
To be honest with you, I am sick of eating ONLY meat, but you gotta do what you gotta do, and I know I won't be like this forever. Lately, low stomach acid is making it more difficult.
As far as meat being a healing food, yeah, it can be a powerful healing food. Ideally the meat will be raw and unaltered as possible. The raw part is foreign to most people, but you gotta look into the whole bacteria theory being flawed, etc., etc.
Check out the "Primal Diet" by Aajonus Vonderplanitz. It's an all raw diet consisting of raw meat, raw fat, raw dairy, and plenty of vegetable juices.
It's the best diet I know of, but unfortunately I don't have access to organic grassfed meats, and I don't have the money for it. Plus, I react to dairy, vegetation, etc. So until I get this problem handled, it's onward with the VON'S meat.