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Re: It IS low stomach acid. Also, some Qs for Motif...
Healthiest sick person ever Views: 3,967
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Re: It IS low stomach acid. Also, some Qs for Motif...

Epsom Salt baths with baking soda will help to get magnesium in you and will alkalize you. At my sickest, I took 4-5 per day. It also helped with muscle aches and pains. I was very reactive to many different things and never had any problem with it. My digestion was super weak like yours and Integrative Theraputics Pro-Gest enzymes worked really well for me. Bubbies sauerkraut is just well water, salt, and cabbage and it will save you time and energy. I find it at the health food store.

I remember when I was super reactive like you and it seemed like anything would make me weak, dizzy, brain fogged, anxious, paranoid. I really had to use a lot of adrenal support to compensate and then slowly I started getting better. Now I'm finding out that my thyroid had a lot to do with it. Have you had yours checked? I know that too much thyroid is not good with your adrenals low but I've seen several sources that say to treat them at the same time. I started the lowest dose of Armour thyroid and it actually makes my adrenals feel more supported. And it's not too high of a dose so I'm still tired and get my rest. It just gives me a steady state of energy so that I'm not so reactive to everything.


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