Re: It IS low stomach acid. Also, some Qs for Motif...
Thanks everyone for your replies, I really appreciate them. I don't have the energy to get to them all right now, but I will later.
I ordered Carlson Labs Chelated Magnesium, it should be here by Friday.
I had someone get me NOW Foods brand magnesium citrate for now, and Metagest for the HCL supplementation.
The dosage of Metagest is two tablets which is 1300mgs I believe and it has porcine pepsin in it. I took a quarter of one tablet about 20 mins ago, and it broke up in my mouth. Man, that stuff tastes like vomit. Anyways, I am reacting to it. It feels like hypoglycemia, but I don't know for sure if that is what it is. I was freaking out a while ago, trying to relax, then I started feeling really sleepy. It feels like it might be passing right now, but it's pretty uncomfortable.
Thoughts and suggestions greatly appreciated!