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Isolated Substances -- Withdrawal? Re: Adrenal fatigue, dizziness and light-headedness
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Isolated Substances -- Withdrawal? Re: Adrenal fatigue, dizziness and light-headedness

>>>>I almost feel like it's some kind of withdrawal - should I treat it as such?<<<<

IMO... No. If you start giving your body what it NEEDS to HEAL and BALANCE, the "symptoms" that you are experiencing will disappear. Wean yourself off these isolated substances, just as you would caffeine or sugar.

This is just my opinion... I could be wrong or don't have enough information to back up my opinion as FACT. The best advice I can give is for you to start cleansing and eating for health.

I know Uny is working on a post for you, but in the mean time, research and learn all that you can about NATURAL HEALING. Being educated is POWER. To succeed in regaining your health, you need to believe in every decision you make and every step you take.

A good place to start is by making changes in your food program. Drink plenty of distilled or reverse osmosis water and start cleansing your colon/bowel. The cleaner and healthier your body becomes, the more 'balanced' it will be. Focus on your digestive system and elimination channels.

What is Natural Healing (on this forum) and How to Get Started

I hope you find this information helpful and of benefit.


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