I've tried to stop Quantum cold turkey a few times and both times I got very light sensitive and my vision got very narrow and foggy along the exterior. I tried to replace it with amla but that didn't help, so for now I'm taking my amla and the smallest amount of quantum that I need in order for that to not happen: 1/2 scoop AM, 1/4 scoop noon.
There are lots of other amino acids in quantum besides just the C. Unfortunately I haven't figured out a replacement but I hope we get to share notes when that happens. If the amla doesn't work, maybe you could just wean down to the lowest amount that works.... It seems like a bad idea to go fainting on a subway....
I lived in Jersey City and worked in Soho for six months after college and I can't imagine trying to heal from AF while living there. I've been generally surprised that we don't have more people with adrenal fatigue on Curezone that live in New York.