Re: Going to try to heal adrenals on my own, a little scared...
Welcome to the forum J,
First things first...
It is important to answer these questions before Unyquity can assist you. She needs to have a clear picture of your personal situation BEFORE she can be of help in assisting you.
Just copy & paste into a new post, then fill in your information.
[FAQ] Questions For Those Seeking Help
>>>>>And opinions on toxic systems? Can these be paid attention to while the adrenals are healing or, as Lam says, is it ADRENALS FIRST 100% because they will be taxed by, pretty much everything else you do?<<<<<
Dr. Schulze & Unyquity (the owner of this forum) say COLON/BOWELS FIRST.
Here's a few links to posts that 'talk about' the adrenals and cleansing/healing:
The post below contains lots of good information on cleansing and the adrenals.
Naturopaths vs Natural Healing :::sigh::: Re: Experiences with naturopaths [Unyquity]
*!* Anatomy 101, COLON CLEANSING, Adrenals, High Enemas, Cortisol, etc [Unyquity]
"The non-supplement HEALING" & other thoughts {unyquity]
LINKS TO: Sources -- Products -- Related Information
~!~ Compilation ALL "Working FAQ" posts & threads
I hope this information will give you some support and guidance in your journey in finding the answers you need to heal.