The herbal parasite cleanse is evidently what caused the strongyloides to get out of control. I was fine until I started doing them, now I'm not.
I'm done cleansing for now. I'm just trying to stay alive and keep these worms from eating me. Disseminated strongyloides is fatal in 87% of cases. Maybe now you will understand why I'm depressed.
I know some people think herbs and cleansing cures everything, but it won't help this. I feel like I was deceived by someone who led me to believe it would, when it just made it worse. I feel betrayed and angry. Cleansing isn't going to help that.
Nothing natural is going to kill these worms. I've read everything I can read about them. This is a very serious illness, and herbs will not help it.
Thank you for trying to help, though. I do appreciate it.