Re: 21y/o with eczema flare
I recently had an outbreak on my feet/lower legs, arms and face related to basically being allergic to alcohol. When it reached my face I got serious with it.
I immediately went on a fast. That took out any input questions as far as
Sugar or allergies. I used some
Epsom Salts as described on the package until my bowels were empty (around a full day).
At this point I started doing the Candida diet. Pretty much vegetables and organic meat. Fruit has sugar, most salad dressing has
Sugar and vinegar which are BOTH bad for candida. Of course alcohol is absolutely forbidden! Cheese has mold as do some nuts. Grain turns to
Sugar as does milk products. Just look up the diet online. Just remember that your body needs proper nutrition and don't cut out eggs/meat until you find out if you're really allergic to them. I totally relied on both to get nutrition during that time, eggs were the only thing I had for breakfast. Coconut Milk (unsweetened) and coconut oil will give your body the fat it needs. You can add things in one at a time after you regain some control. Proteins in the morning and afternoon only. They're hard to digest and will rot in your gut if you eat them at night.
For a topical application I found Florasone from the local health store to be helpful in reducing inflammation. Of course the outbreak was already on its way out from the internal warfare I brought against it. Of course the most important ingredient in all of this was and is, Prayer.