Re: It is amazing how God gives you what you really need
I got saved at a similar age, around 21. I had a friend that walked away from the Lord too. It was not a boyfriend though, but a girl I hung out with in high school. It
was so strange. Her boyfriend was the one that lead her to the Lord. She was so enthusiastic. I was not a Christian
but I thought they had a good healthy relationship. They were constantly going to meetings and gatherings (kind of
in the hippie era so Jesus Freaks would be the term) She wanted to see him more and get married and he always said there were things the Lord was leading him to do first. I
think she became bitter after years had gone by. They split
up. And she became disenamored of God as well as him.
I was in a different city but had become a Christian by then. I met up with her a few times when I came
home to where my parents were. I would try and talk to her about the Lord, but she wasn't open to it. Then later,
another friend of mine said she had asked about me, but said "Is she still into all of that Jesus stuff?" We lost
touch after that. I always wonder if she came back to the
Lord or accepted Him genuinely if the first time it was
just to fit in or whatever. Hopefully, she did.
Maybe, your ex will also come back to the fold eventually.
We can pray for those who seem to have completely forsaken
God. We don't really know what is happening on a spiritual level. God can certainly draw them in His timing.
I love Casting Crowns and Tenth Avenue North too. There
are lots of songs by both of them on here somewhere.
Talk to you soon (: