I have been struggling with my faith over the last 3 years, so it has been touch and go, where I am really into God and following Him only to wander away again for some reason.
I still talk to Him every day, but I know that I haven't been applying myself as I should as a Christian, and I have been puzzled about that. I have asked myself over the last couple weeks "Where did my faith go?"
It is amazing how God answers and provide you the things you really need to have regarding that. I have to say, that I caught the last part of Adventures in Oddessy (which is one of my favorite radio shows on the Christian radio station I listen to). It was about a teenager that lost his faith and he was wanting to blame others for it. Whit (a main character on the show) told the teen that it was no one's fault but his, because of the actions he took. Whit listed off all the godly activities that the teen dropped and all the other ungodly things that he picked up instead. Whit went on to explain that one can't expect one's faith to survive a treatment like that.
I realized that over the last 3 years, I have struggled with my faith due to particular choices I made with my heart ( I dated a guy for a short while, which didn't work out and once again I got invovled with a guy which was an exboyfriend that caused a 1 1/2 of heartache) plus I stopped going to church and reading my bible. You can say in the heartache causing situation, caused me to shy way from church services and reading my bible. My boyfriend/exboyfriend said he was a Christian, but when it came down to it, he didn't seem like it. So it made it harder for me to keep up with little things that keep me grounded in Christ.
But I degress, I went to Wednesday service, the first church service I have attended in at least 8 months. It was small and inviting, so I thought it would help me get back into the faith groove. I even fought that, as the time was coming to go, I told my best friend I didn't want to go. She asked me why and I told her it was boring as it was usually led by some eldery person in the church and not the normal pastors, as well it isn't a contempoary service like I like. Well, I went any way, against how I was feeling about it. We sang the song "Standing on the promises of God" and the Associate pastor spoke about dreams and how they fill us up with so much hope. And as we get older, we lose our dreams and get dishearted about things going on in our lives. We read Genesis 37, which spoke about Joseph being a young dreamer and how he came against some very heavy heartships and heartaches in his life, yet overcame them because of his trust in the Lord.
I sat there and realized that God wanted me to have courage in the hardships that I am having. The Associate pastor went on to talk about how God had plans for Joseph regardless on what was happening in his life. He also asked us how me might find a parallel in our own lives to Joseph's situation. It gave me alot of hope reading Genesis 37-41 and realizing (once again after many months) that God has a wonderful plan for me, regardless that I can't see it. I might be down and out, but God is always rooting for me.
I feel that everyone that is stuggling with hardships should read about Joseph with his heartachs and hardships, so see the hope and wonderful plans that God had for you, as well as all of us.
I thought I would share what God shared with me. He knew that I really needed to hear those various things in my life, in order to get on the right track. It is amazing that I got what I needed, and I wasn't even looking for it. God is so very wonderful and loving! I wanted to share, because I know sometimes I can help someone struggling with the same issue, without even knowing it.
I have to admit something. I am also #78830. I didn't post my name, because I was fairly embarassed regarding the heartache I have been struggling with over a breakup. I had never posted on this forum before, so I was a little bit leery how open or accepting it might be. I have learned from experience that some Christians can do more damage to an individual, then someone that is non Christian. I am sorry that I wasn't more open and honest. This is a lovely forum, and I hope to frequent it more and more if that is possible.
Glad you are here Sacristia and thank you for sharing your most deepest feelings with us.
I joined a church in my late twenties after my young husband died. I had found Christ earlier on as I grieved over my sick husband who I knew would not have a long life. God was always there with me and it wasn't until I turned to Him in my sorrows and with a broken heart that I felt His presence in my life.
It's our seeking Him that changes us. We don't realize our attitudes and focus on worldly things are what keeps us from knowing He is there. Our heart has to have a need for Him....an emptiness to be filled. So many times people will find Him in their sorrows/pain.
Many of us come here and fellowship together to get our minds off the worldly ways and be the family of God who scripture says....Matthew 18:20 For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
Of course we are in the world....but should strive with God's help to not be of the world. We are all slowly learning this together.
Love your user name. I hope you will come and join us more often and share your blessings and your lessons you have learned or are learning at this time. It blesses one and all. :)
I have always been in the church in some way. I was introduced to Jesus by my Gram when I was 5 years old. Growing up Catholic, God was a very important part of my life. I got saved when I was 23 years old. It is funny that my mother thought I joined a cult, because I was so into Jesus (more so then I was before) LOL
I am sorry you have to expeirence such a loss early on, but as I have learned myself, sometimes good things come out of such a loss. You found Jesus! That is always a wonderful thing.
I can really relate with the worldy things affecting me. Especially the relationship I just got out of. You can say that the guy helped suck out all the positive and godly things in my life. I know that it wasn't his fault, but mostly mine, because I made the choice in the first place.
Yes, I haven't fellowshiped in a long while. I used to fellowship regularly online in a Christian chat room a year and a half ago, but that changed due to the choices I made. It was hard for me, because I felt at times my faith was squashed since my exboyfriend was so against "organized religion". He feels that the majority of Christians around him are "fake" so it was harder for me to just enjoy God over the months, to the point I dropped it all together.
Thank you for welcoming to the room. I was trying to figure out how I could participate and engage in fellowship, without seeming to be demanding. I was really wanting to see if anyone would like to focus on a piece of scripture and give our outlooks on it and such. Almost like mini bible studies. In the past, I used to love find the little things that God placed in front of me to help with my walk.
Thanks. I chose Sacristia long ago. I love different languages, and at the time I was currently self-studing Latin and came across it. It is Latin for Sacred vessel or vessel of God. I wanted it to reflect my love and belief in God. It is a constant reminder while I am online that I AM a Christian and should always walk the walk, and not just talk the talk, if I might put it simply.
I look foward to interacting with you and others. Thank you.
I enjoy your posts both as your # and your name (:
Personally, I would wonder about anyone who claimed NOT to have struggles in their walk with the Lord, because we
all do. I don't mean we ever doubt His existence or love.
But, I know I have many times made decisions I knew were
probably not His highest for me. Fear and grief, human
passion and all sorts of things of this world can be
used by the enemy to pull us away. I have fallen victim
to these forces more often than I care to admit.
But, He never leaves us or forsakes us, even when we
are mixed up, or missing the mark. He knows our weaknesses
and chooses to love us anyway. I love to read Psalms so
much, especially lately it seems. This is one I really
have always loved.
Psalm 103
12As far as the east is from the west,
So far has He removed our transgressions from us.
13Just as a father has compassion on his children,
So the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him.
14For He Himself knows our frame;
He is mindful that we are but dust.
15As for man, his days are like grass;
As a flower of the field, so he flourishes.
16When the wind has passed over it, it is no more,
And its place acknowledges it no longer.
17But the lovingkindness of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him,
And His righteousness to children’s children,
18To those who keep His covenant
And remember His precepts to do them.
19The LORD has established His throne in the heavens,
And His sovereignty rules over all.
Oh wow, That was a complement that I wasn't expecting. Thank you. I guess since I blog regularly now, I know that people read it, but I guess it doesn't sink in much since I hardly ever hear back from people. It is more out of sight, out of mind. LOL
I guess I really worry about my faith, because I have always had strong faith up until the last 3 years. You can say that I felt that my faith was undestructable, as I was so connected to Him. I made some wrong choices that really rocked my faith to the core. I guess it started when I started seeing a fellow Christian. His past wasn't the greatest, but he had a love to God that amazed me. He encouraged me and so many others in their walk. I guess it was a huge blow, when he walked away from God, because he didn't get what he wanted or his life wasn't going the way he wanted it to be. I had never came cross this before as a Christian. You can say that I had never had a relationship with another Christian, so it was very special and as I found it, it had a very devestating consquence. I just didn't understand how anyone could walk away from God, which started my own down hill question about my faith and why God would allow it.
You can say that I learned that I can't control other people's faith, nor can I know how deep their faith is, compared to mine. After that blow, I made another bad decision, that hasn't help, but I am sure, since I have shed that binding choice, I can move forward and heal my faith bit by bit.
I guess why it was so hard for me, as I have never doubted my faith or where I was going. The last 3 years, I have pondered a lot, but I can say that I have known He was there. It is more like he is just faded or just beyond my reach. I also know that it is that way because of my choices and what I am doing, not because He is doing it. It is just how I feel, because I know He never leaves our side. I guess I am just numb or zoned out to His presence, so it feels different.
I love pslams. I used to read them all the time when I was hurting in the past. I should really get back to reading them, since this is my healing time with God.
I LOVE Casting Crowns! I also love Tenth Avenue North. Both bands really speak volumes when it comes to my faith and God.
I got saved at a similar age, around 21. I had a friend that walked away from the Lord too. It was not a boyfriend though, but a girl I hung out with in high school. It
was so strange. Her boyfriend was the one that lead her to the Lord. She was so enthusiastic. I was not a Christian
but I thought they had a good healthy relationship. They were constantly going to meetings and gatherings (kind of
in the hippie era so Jesus Freaks would be the term) She wanted to see him more and get married and he always said there were things the Lord was leading him to do first. I
think she became bitter after years had gone by. They split
up. And she became disenamored of God as well as him.
I was in a different city but had become a Christian by then. I met up with her a few times when I came
home to where my parents were. I would try and talk to her about the Lord, but she wasn't open to it. Then later,
another friend of mine said she had asked about me, but said "Is she still into all of that Jesus stuff?" We lost
touch after that. I always wonder if she came back to the
Lord or accepted Him genuinely if the first time it was
just to fit in or whatever. Hopefully, she did.
Maybe, your ex will also come back to the fold eventually.
We can pray for those who seem to have completely forsaken
God. We don't really know what is happening on a spiritual level. God can certainly draw them in His timing.
I love Casting Crowns and Tenth Avenue North too. There
are lots of songs by both of them on here somewhere.
I guess we all have to learn something like that later on. I guess it was shocking for me, as I have never expierence it before. I still pray for him once in a while, when I think about it. It kind of left me in a weird position regarding my faith, so it took me a while to start praying for him, as I was hurting too bad to so to be much help.
It is funny how we each have people that "label" us. I had one women that was interest in guy that I was seeing call me a "little Miss Holy Roller", because I wasn't not shy about expressing my faith and my love for God. A couple yeas ago, I got called a Bible thumper by my mother, as well as my Generic Dad ( a fun term for my step father in my family) lovely poked fun of me by calling me a Zealot. LOL
I love this Youtube video by Lifehouse called the Everything skit. I wish someone would post it here so I can watch it better. My computer is a bit older, and for some reason when someone else posts a Youtube video, I can watch it, but if I look it up myself, it doesn't play all the way. Weird. Anyway, it is a lovely video. You should watch if if you haven't already. It is very moving. I sent it to all my unsaved friends to watch.
There were a couple is this the right one? At first I didn't realize how powerful it was going to be, by the end I was crying. Awesome, if not for God we'd have no chance.
Actually, this is the second one. I really love the first more more, as it feels more like my life. It is when Jesus is walking with a young women and showing her things and gives her an apple. Then she is lead away by a lover, and money and then she starts worrying about her looks.
If you can find that one and post it too, I would be so greateful. I haven't seen it in a year or so, due to my computer. I have the song and listen to it all the time when I am very down, as it is very up lifting. This one is very powerful and makes cry as well, but the first one, makes me bawl, because it shows. . . I am not going to tell you because you will find and see for yourself. The end is very very powerful. I guess it really moves me because it is how I felt in many ways until I was saved.
Thank you for posting this one too. I love it. Hee, I tried to warn you about how powerful it is. :o) But it really puts in to prespective how much Jesus is part of our lives, even if we don't "see" it at times.
It turns out there are more than I thought there were. But,
don't worry we'll find it. Here are some links, is it any
of these? I think it may be #7, I might have put the same one uploaded by another person, because I know I saw that one, I am confusing my self, there are more but hopefully
it's one of these. (:
That one is my favorite! Did you watch it? I always makes me cry like a baby when I watch it, but it also makes me get back in to prespective regarding my relationship with Christ.
I thought about this video over the weekend, as during our church service, our praise and worship band played this song. I know all the words by heart.
Sacristia, thank you for opening up and telling us more of your story. I wish things were not as you said, that it's safer to open up sometimes to non-christians than christians, but I know the truth is, you are right. I wish all christians would stop pretending to have no problems and being so hard on those who admit they do. The churches are not for well people, but sick people, and we all need healing in all kinds of ways.
I'm so glad you were blessed by going to that church service you went too. I have had that happen too where I was reluctant to go somewhere, but once I got there, I knew it was God's love shining on me and a message He didn't want me to miss. I love the Joseph story so much too. You know for all those years Joseph was probably so puzzled as to what was all happening to him, and then one day God made it all so clear to him. This part of the story always moves me when I hear it. It shows Joseph's built up emotions over all that had happened just pouring out:
Genesis 45:1
1Then Joseph could not control himself before all those who stood by him. He cried, "Make everyone go out from me." So no one stayed with him when Joseph made himself known to his brothers. 2And he wept aloud, so that the Egyptians heard it, and the household of Pharaoh heard it. 3And Joseph said to his brothers, "I am Joseph! Is my father still alive?" But his brothers could not answer him, for they were dismayed at his presence.
I think of my own struggles and how one day the things that have so puzzled me will be clear, and I'll have a huge emotional release like Joseph. :)
We all need to just let our hurts drive us to Christ all the more. In Christ, there is no condemnation. (Romans 8:1)
I love this scripture that talks about God counting all of our tears. I don't usually quote the New Living Translation since I know it's probably not that great in a lot of ways but I love how it puts this scripture:
Psalms 56:8
You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.
I hate to say that I am very naive when it comes to other Christians, because I never had any close born again Christians in my life growing up. And I was raised Catholic, and I probably was the only very devout Catholic in my family, other then my grandparents. My parents didn't go to church and didn't seek God, as I was. Funny thing was when I was young (around 18 year old) I was working toward becoming a nun, as I really wanted to dedicate my life to Jesus. Yet, I hesitated because I really wanted to get married and have a family of my own. God keep on gripping me and moving me, until I realized that He wanted more from me. And in a time of hardship, I got saved in my bathroom in July 1997. No one lead me to Christ, I was just moved to get on my knees and confess every sin, I had ever commited. At first I didn't know what happened, until a couple days later I realized I was different in some way. I ended up pulling out my Bible (one that my brother gave me as a gift when I was 16 - at the time I was apalled that I was given it, yet now I cherish it!) and started reading it. I stopped going to the Catholic church after God revealed something sicking to my soul. I then spend like 3 years, just reading my Bible and spending alone time with God, until I was urged to find a church. So, I didn't have anyone to help guide me into the "walk" and I wasn't influenced by alot of "Christian" things. I wasn't never taught to memorize scripture as many other Christians are, so at times I feel I am lacking so much as a Christian. Also it puzzles me alot of times why other Christian do what they do. I guess it is my naive sense that if you were a "true" follower of Christ, you would really try to follow Him in all that you do. I really try hard to do things that Jesus would do. I guess that is why I get hurt alot. I am cautious with people, yet I don't walk into a situation thinking a person with hurt me. It is a fault in me. My mother says it is because I don't have a mean bone in my body. I know it is because I really try to treat people, as Jesus would have treated them, so a times I get a lot of pain from the flack of it. I am not as thick skinned as I would like. I am far from desensitized from things in this world. It is also another one of my faults of mine.
My mother has told me that I can't "fix" people. It isn't that I want to fix them. I really want to honestly want to help them. Lift them up, and give them hope that things are not as bad as they seem. I guess that is why I get hurt. I have been figuring that maybe I should start volenteering somewhere to help with that.
Yes, I love the Joseph scriptures. I had forgotten that until I went to the service. Yes, in the last 3 years, I have found that I was blessed by any chruch service that I went too. It is as if, it was directed specially to me and I was very moved. I know that God was trying to get my attention, but I wasn't strong enough emotionally at the time to keep my attention on Him. Now I am!
I really need to read my Bible more. In the past, I couldn't imagine how wonderful and joyful it was reading it. It was as He was personally filling me with Joy, as I read. It is really hard to explain the feeling I have when I read the Bible. It is really amazing, when I do. It really does affect my inner Joy when I do. I still can't explain it in words. I don't understand why I ever stopped. I used to carry a small Bible with me in my purse so I had it with me where ever I went.
Yes, I love Pslam 56:8. I love it how Scripture talks to my heart and soul so deeply.
I am sorry if I have been really wordy as of late. I am very excited to be talking to other Christians again, and I tend to have a "running" mouth when it comes to talking about God and such. I really love doing so and I haven't been able or had the chance to in a very long time. This is very uplifting for me. So please forgive if I get wordy in my responsed. You can say that my heart just starts pour out in happiness of the situation.
I say be as wordy, not worldly, but wordy, as you like. :) I enjoy your postings!
And I always love to hear about others' journeys in their walk with Christ. Even though I know you would have probably loved to have more Christian influences in your life, your story just shows that's not a necessity.
I had a crazy upbringing in the religious world. I'm thankful for Christ's guiding me into truth despite all that.
Writing our experiences, the good, the bad, the ugly, is also so healing!
Anyway, I guess that's all I have to say for now. :) My words seem to be fewer these days. That's just a sign of aging probably. lol
By the way, I'm a female. You might have already gotten that, but just in case, because I know my user name and avatar make it look like I'm a male. I use to have a more female sounding user name. It's a long story that I won't go into now. :)
If this next decade goes as fast as the last one, I'll be a half a century in no time. I've already dealt with a couple of gray hairs though. Of course they are not there anymore. :)
You are right, I would have loved to have more Christian influences, but I did as best I could with what I had. It was just me and God and my Bible for a long time.
Even still now, I have a hard time making Christian friends, which I am currently working on trying to. I have never been really good at making face-to-face friends, even when I was growing up. You can say that I wasn't socialized much with other children, and it didn't help that I was extremely shy either.
Yes, writing about our expeierences DO really help us heal.
I have to say...I had it somewhat easy. After my husband died, I moved to a small town, found a church, married a loving christian man (at that church) and lived in a community of mostly believers. Many of my church family even lived on my street and in my neighborhood. My christian friends are all different ages and nationalities, but we have something very special in common that makes our friendships work and that is our faith.
No matter what our personality is like or what our political leanings are....rich/poor....color of skin....it does not matter. We all agreed to have agape love for one another. When one is sick, we check on one another and see if they have any needs. We all carpool to different groups/organizations/clubs that we join because we have similar interests.
We share in our joys and sorrows.....we never have to be alone. It's like having a friend like Jesus with us at all times. :)