Re: ...a little levity...Re: another thing to consider...Re: Thoughts on liver flush mechanism
'Sorry I didn't have time to get back to you immediately, but I do want to add something to your statement:
"And then there are those who have flushed quite a few thousands of stones adding up to few times the volume of the liver over a few flushes (yes stones do form over time and although that is feasible that you can produce so many in so little time, I believe that it isnt what its happening - I mean if that was true, then most poulation on sad diets who never have done a flush and never got out any stones than the liver would build up to a massive size at the rate some people here see stones being formed in every liver flush)."
This is something that needs attention, I feel. Some people seem to think that the only time the gall bladder or liver releases sludge, chaff and assorted stones is when they do some type of a
Liver Flush or coffee enema...and that's no more true than 'the only time you release fecal matter is when you do a colon cleanse'! :) VERY few people examine the contents of their toilet bowl when they are not cleansing an organ...but whether one sees or notices what the liver dumps daily, it still dumps.
Many MANY times I have seen floating sludge, liver debris and soft stones after high-fat meals (and I've seen the same posted many times). For those of us that have 2-3 bowel movements daily that are softer in consistency than most people eating a SAD diet, it is much easier to see/notice the liver debris. (There's just not much to see/discern in a very solid, large turd, especially when it's been compacting & putrefying for days before it's expelled).
So, we don't see folks walking around with a huge liver sticking out...however, there is such thing as what folks refer to as a "liver roll", which is a roll of fat/swelling above the normal 'love handles'...and many people have seen/reported a reduction in size of their 'liver roll' by flushing and/or doing
coffee enemas regularly.
Gotta get back to work...Flush ON!