My last flush I released dozens of 1/2 to over 1in stones and most all of them were dark green inside - and although I believe that there are stones in the liver and gallbladder I believe most of them arent true gallstones.
The fact is, a typical blocked liver and gallbladder cannot excrete sufficient bile (of good quality) to fully emulsify the large quantity of olive oil that is drank during the Liver Flush - the best it can achieve at this point would be to partially emulsify the oil and form these large stones.
With time and as true Gallstones (do not typically float) are released good amounts of fresh bile can be achieved which can fully emulsify the oils and allow them to be fully absorbed.
If there isnt enough bile flowing than most fats and proteins cannot be fully absorbed and some of the foods might not get fully digested - if you have leaky gut than it is possible that some unbroken particles might get into the blood stream